Before moving to Winnipeg, my wife and kids and I lived in the tiny Persian Gulf country of Qatar. One of my favourite things to do anywhere I am is to just get in the car, drive and explore. Because Qatar is a rather small country, there wasn’t a whole lot to explore, but what there was could often be pretty cool.
On this particular day, I ended up close to the Saudi Arabian border. In fact, the border was only about a five minute drive away from this spot. At this border crossing, all there is is a guy with a machine gun sitting next to a ratty old gate and a sign written completely in Arabic that I assume says, “No crossing here!” More importantly, there are some massive dunes, almost tiny mountains of sand with peaks and valleys and a life of their own, dotted across the landscape.
This video is just me wandering over one of these dunes on a rather windy day. The sand was pelting me, washing across everything like snow in a blizzard. It felt like tiny razors slamming into me. I was full of sand by the time I left. It was everywhere; in my pockets, my shoes, my ears, my eyes, my nose, my mouth, my hair….and my camera. This was the last video shot on that camera. It got way too much sand in it and became unusable.