
Pau + Raul

Tired of those standard old wedding videos that just show you, you know, getting married? No problem! Look no further than these guys – Loview Cinematic Weddings in Mexico. These aren’t just wedding videos, these are full blown movies featuring you and your partner as more than mere subjects, but as wedding superstars! I would hate to ask what the budget to make one of these is.

This is a teaser of a wedding to come. It’s a tale of love, as I suppose it should be. I would imagine these wouldn’t be commissioned for a tale of woe and despair. This appears to be a “newer” trend in the world of weddings, and you may already know about it and I’m just discovering this late in the game. I haven’t been to many wedding shows as of late. I must say though, it is definitely yet another way to rack up the wedding bills! The results are pretty neat, however.