Arts & Life, Music

Photo gallery: Third night of Big Fun, part two

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The final night of Big Fun consisted of two parallel shows, one at the Windsor, the other at Gio’s. As mentioned earlier, one often comes to a fork in the road during a music festival and must make a choice, Saturday night I chose Gio’s.

The night began with Animal Teeth…

Animal Teeth

Animal Teeth

Jeans Boots followed, playing their second set of the evening

Jeans Boots

And last but certainly not least, everyone buckle up and get ready to sing along with…The Ripperz!

The Ripperz

The Ripperz

The Ripperz

The Ripperz

The Ripperz

The Ripperz

The Ripperz

The Ripperz
Ripperz on the pole… finally things come full circle

That’s all folks. HUGE shout outs to everyone involved in making the 2nd Big Fun festival as great as it was. It’s efforts like this that make living in Winnipeg in January a little more tolerable.



Christopher Friesen is – among a few other things – the photo editor for the Spectator Tribune.