
The Flipbook

Carina Reindl, who is an artist and a designer among other things, recently uploaded this short video of a classic childhood favourite, a flipbook, that she designed. She explains more in the video description:

“The Flipbook is a self-initiated work about playing. It arose from the confrontation with my work for the mini-game website ‘Playtin’. As children, we used our imagination to create our own world. For this the simplest everyday items have been turned into something extraordinary. Anything was possible. Today we restrict ourselves to the possibilities of the digital world. Our imagination and fantasy gets lost.

The Flipbook transfers classic games such as Minesweeper, Snake or Ping-Pong back into the real life. It shows that the desire for playing can not only be satisfied with computers and consoles, but rather the entire environment provides the opportunity. You just have to keep your eyes open!”