
Hackers launch attack on feelings

Your breathtaking landscape photos, favourite “Forever Alone” memes, pop culture GIFs, and pictures of famous people accompanied by quotes are in serious danger.

Online troublemakers GNAA (won’t get in to the acronym here for tastes’ sake) decided to hit Tumblr, the micro-blogging haven for tweens and brands, pretty damn hard today. Apparently it started with when this post showed up on their account:

Clicking on the post at all, if you’re logged in to your Tumblr account, will put the same one on your account. You’ll also catch the worm if you tweet out links to any of these posts. The basic rule of the whole thing is: DON’T CLICK ON IT. It will put your reputation for re-blogging those pictures of hipster children at risk.

Of course, if you do click on it, even after that warning, you should be able to fix it. Go into the mass editor, delete any posts like the one above, and refresh your browser. Until the whole issue is resolved, you should probably avoid visiting any stand-alone Tumblr sites and just stick to the dashboard. Or log out for a few days and try to remember what life was like before it was pounded into a solid mountain of GIFs.

Although it’s easy to be annoyed by some the content of some Tumblr sites, or maybe just feel jaded about how much of our lives is packed into collections of filtered photography and one-line quotes, the attack still seems a bit over-the-top. Is Tumblr this much of a threat to our culture? Is it the final straw that breaks the camel’s back and sends us all into a tailspin of perceived usefulness? Is a GIF worth a thousand wo-… oh, sorry. I was just favouriting some photos on Cabin Porn.

No word yet on how many already emotionally vulnerable “emos” have been affected.

Matt Williams is a writer and musician with a decent fantasy football team. Follow him on Twitter @WaterInHell .

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